Where do I start?
Maybe by solidifying the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing but that I am confident in my purpose. After all I've been though It seems fitting to finally start to share my story. So here we are. I'm twenty seven and all I know for sure is after 20 plus years, I'm still in the gym and probably always be connected to it in some capacity because of the impact Gymnastics has had in my life thus far. Initially, I thought gymnastics would simply be the stepping stone that I left behind once my career was over. However, as the pieces fall into place it seems more and more that my passion for the sport is in fact tied to my purpose, and thus it will always be a part of my life.
What ties me most to this sport is its ability to cultivate so much in a person at such a young age. It takes heart, strength, grace, and pretty much every deep and admirable human emotion to be the best. I love the fact that not many of us make it to the top because of that and yet so many of us start out in it. It may sound self righteous but knowing not everyone can do what you can and still seeing the value another individual can present you with regardless is something all women, and men for that matter, need to cultivate in their lives. The sport teaches you humility on a daily basis while also teaching you to seek fulfillment in the small triumphs and not just the material rewards. The real winners realize they don't have to search for acknowledgment from anyone but themselves and thus they receive the most.
I think that is important in a world filled with instant gratification and constant false affirmation. Coaching, and my transition from elite athlete to coaching is what really put this all into perspective for me. It keeps me grounded when my endeavors and pursuits outside of the gym become overwhelming. It reminds me that my existence is not solely about my success but how my success will impact, fuel, or ignite the success of those around me.